Forums - Trapping in SFII: WW Show all 10 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Trapping in SFII: WW ( Posted by The GOAT on 03:11:2001 10:27 PM: Hey, wassup. Sorry if I'm an idiot or this point has already been made, but yesterday, I stumbled onto somethin. I popped in my SFII game for SNES to mess around w/ it for a little, and I was using Ken. Right then, I realized something. There was a strat that I used to do back in the arcades that resembled trapping alot, and back in the day no one ever complained about it. Here's an example of trapping in SFII: WW. Let's say I'm using Ken and I have my opponent in the corner. I would get pretty far away (like if he jumped forward to me, he'd land right in front of me.) I would pin him to the wall by shooting Hadoukens at him. So he would block and I'd chip away at him. Then, when he caught on to this and would decide to jump forward to jump kick me, I'd smack him with a Shoryuken and start the process over again. Now, if you look at MVC2, doesnt this closely resemble someone using Sentinel's ground assist (the Hadoukens) chipping away, and then once his opponent would jump, Blackheart's AntiAir assist (The Shoryuken)? I think I've got a pretty valid point here. Trapping has been around since SFII: WW. The only thing is that its alot more dangerous in this MVC2, and alot more potent. But it's not like you can't get out of traps. All I'm tryin to do is put these "MVC2 is gay becoz of traps" threads to rest...or maybe I'm just tryin to get that guy HyperViperinMyDiaper to shut up, heh heh (I mean what the hell...he calls everyone a faggot, when his name's describing a penis-like beam going up his ass, talk about hypocrite, damn.) If you think I'm makin a good point, back me up. If not, just tell me I'm a dumb ass, heh heh, later. The Greatest of All Time Posted by LastGod VT on 03:11:2001 10:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by The GOAT: Hey, wassup. Sorry if I'm an idiot or this point has already been made, but yesterday, I stumbled onto somethin. I popped in my SFII game for SNES to mess around w/ it for a little, and I was using Ken. Right then, I realized something. There was a strat that I used to do back in the arcades that resembled trapping alot, and back in the day no one ever complained about it. Here's an example of trapping in SFII: WW. Let's say I'm using Ken and I have my opponent in the corner. I would get pretty far away (like if he jumped forward to me, he'd land right in front of me.) I would pin him to the wall by shooting Hadoukens at him. So he would block and I'd chip away at him. Then, when he caught on to this and would decide to jump forward to jump kick me, I'd smack him with a Shoryuken and start the process over again. Now, if you look at MVC2, doesnt this closely resemble someone using Sentinel's ground assist (the Hadoukens) chipping away, and then once his opponent would jump, Blackheart's AntiAir assist (The Shoryuken)? I think I've got a pretty valid point here. Trapping has been around since SFII: WW. The only thing is that its alot more dangerous in this MVC2, and alot more potent. But it's not like you can't get out of traps. All I'm tryin to do is put these "MVC2 is gay becoz of traps" threads to rest...or maybe I'm just tryin to get that guy HyperViperinMyDiaper to shut up, heh heh (I mean what the hell...he calls everyone a faggot, when his name's describing a penis-like beam going up his ass, talk about hypocrite, damn.) If you think I'm makin a good point, back me up. If not, just tell me I'm a dumb ass, heh heh, later. The Greatest of All Time You have a point. By the way, MvC2 is what got me interested in the vs. once again, i liked it when Xmen Vs. Street Fighter was around, i didn't like Marvel Vs. Stgreet Fighter, and i really didnt like MvC1. And the funny thing is, that technique you just described with Ken in SFII: WW, was considered cheap by scrubs too back in the day. Talk about tradition. ^-^ Posted by The GOAT on 03:12:2001 02:03 AM: TTT Posted by LOLO on 03:12:2001 07:15 AM: gez... this is what u came up?? i thought that's what ppl did long ago~~ combination b/w Hadouken and Shoryuken~~ KEN -Engineering Rules- Posted by Dasrik on 03:12:2001 03:35 PM: You haven't seen cheapness in SFII: WW until you've seen Guile and Sim. The only real characters in the damn game by far. Posted by Iceman on 03:12:2001 07:34 PM: THANK YOU!! This stratagy has been around forever (I know, I used it in the WW days too). It's just now that a few scrubs have cried cheap, scrubs nationwide are joining them Posted by AzN_Skater on 03:12:2001 08:16 PM: hmmmm... i believe sim had a "trap" also then... but everybody knows about it and uses it in CvS, so i won't get into that... Posted by The GOAT on 03:13:2001 02:43 AM: Nah I didn't come up with it, hehe. I just forgot about it...Street Fighter II came out when I was when was like 6 or 7. Posted by The GOAT on 03:13:2001 02:44 AM: You think I made a good point though? Posted by Truedragon on 03:13:2001 04:15 AM: I was like 6 or 7 too, and I used that trap, learned it from the computer. All times are GMT. The time now is 04:21 PM. Show all 10 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.